Some changes we are making at Clayfield Yoga Studio.
I hope this find you well despite the growing concerns you may be feeling around the uncertainty of the COVID-19. We are doing our best to allow the studio to remain as a place of practice, self care and calm.
Obviously your wellbeing is our priority, therefore we’ve made considerate decisions based on the advice and updates from trusted professionals. We feel it is important to be proactive with any precautionary action.
In addition to our regular sanitation standards, the studio has implemented additional common-sense pracitices to keep the space super clean and safe to prevent spread. We are also asking for your support in helping to look after yourself and the space so we can continue to practice what brings us much joy and relief from stressful times. Staying positive and calm has the best effects on your immune and nervous systems. Being proactive builds confidence in knowing you are doing the best you can.
Firstly, the obvious one – if you are not feeling well or have any cold or flu like symptoms please stay at home. We ask this out of consideration for not only yourself to rest but for your fellow practitioners. Tanya is working on ways to deliver classes live or recorded via an online program, once this is sorted you will be notified. In the meantime, come to classes as usual adapting to the following:
- As you arrive we’ve provided soap and paper towels on the kitchen sink to wash hands before and after your classes.
- There is disinfectant, paper towels and cleaning cloths in studio to wash down borrowed studio equipment, plus also your own mats.
- Thanks to Mariza and Tanya who will work together to keep our studio floors and surfaces cleaned everyday.
- We will be reducing the use of props in each class. Besides blocks or knee pads that can be easily wiped down we are asking teachers to adapt their classes so the use of bolsters or blankets wont be required as it is not possible to wash bolsters and blankets in time for the turn over of classes.
- If you are attending Yin or Restorative classes and wish to use props then we ask you to bring two towels to wrap around bolsters. We still ask you to spray the props with disinfectants and left out to air dry.
- I know props are the most treasured part of the practice, we will just be grateful when it is safe to use them again. You are welcome to bring your own props. Let Tanya know if you wish to purchase your own props, she lives near a yoga wholesaler and can pick up any orders you make or potentially a bulk order can be made.
- We will not be using the eye pillows for a little while
- Please bring your own water bottles as cups will no longer be made available to drink from.
- There will be no hands-on adjustments with students and keep any physical contact to a minimum. And enjoy a bit of space between you and other students.
- If teachers are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms their classes will be covered
Finally……..take care of yourself, put into practice what you are learning mentally and energetically as just important as the physical practice. Be kind and compassionate to yourself and others. Maintain a balanced perspective. Practice patience, drink water, laugh, breath, meditate, eat lots of home made fresh meals, SLEEP …..get outside into the sunshine and into nature! Please keep supporting local businesses and services to help them to stick around. If you need to chat call Tanya on 0410 601 773.
This too shall pass, enjoy the journey as best as you can, see you on the mat,
From us all at Clayfield Yoga Studio