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Learn the FUNdamentals of a Vinyasa Flow

Whether you’re just starting your yoga journey or looking to enhance your existing experience, enrolling in this course will boost your overall body strength and flexibility while bringing clarity to your mind. 

If you are not yet familiar with term Vinyasa, it means moving between postures (asanas) in coordination with breath. Variations have been taken from a sequence known as Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation.

This course is suitable for beginners as one needs to break it down before they can flow freely.  

Surya Namaskar, which translates to Salutations to the Sun, is a transformative yoga sequence that facilitates the opening of hips and spine while strengthening shoulders, arms, core, and legs. The benefits of each posture are heightened when synchronised with your breath, fostering increased awareness of your body, thoughts, and emotions.

Many variations are taught today by adapting the sequence to suit the individual. Moving slowly and steadily is ideal for beginners or students seeking a more gentle, calming flow. Alternatively, synchronise each movement with a breath for a more dynamic and energising practice.

During this course, your teachers will break down the more common poses taught in classes so you can create your sequence and feel confident in group classes.

Overview of the course:

  • Week 1: Tadasana, Urdhva Hastasana, and Plank Variations. (15th Feb or 17th Feb) 
  • Week 2: Uttanasana, Low and High Lunge, Warrior 1, 2, and 3. (22nd Feb or 24th Feb) 
  • Week 3: Sphinx, Cobra, Upward-Facing Dog, and Downward-Facing Dog. (29th Feb or 2nd March) 
  • Week 4: Moving with Breath. (7th March or 9th March) 
  • Week 5: 108 Sun Salutation (optional but encouraged Challenge) –  (16th March) Move smoothly and steadily in a supported environment, with individual pauses for rest encouraged, making it suitable for all levels. and you can decide once you complete week 4.

Course Details: choose which date works best for you.  

Challenge your practice:


For any students wanting to take their course to the next level… and before you you say no way read on… 

Sun Salutations are a meditative and transformative practice, often done during special occasions or to mark new beginnings. Whether you complete just one flow or the entire 108, remember that this challenge is a personal journey within ourselves.

Introducing the Sun Salutation Challenge.

Become the Tortoise not the Hare….we all do our own practice, just together as a group under the guidance of teachers Tanya and Lucia.

For those new to yoga, Tanya and Lucia have set up the four-week course designed to teach you the fundamentals and offer variations tailored to your body’s needs so that you feel prepared for this challenge. Feel free to rest at any time and rejoin at your own pace, granting yourself the permission to honour your own needs.

This challenge is a unique blend of personal exploration within the shared experience of 108. In a supportive environment, each participant contributes to one another’s journey.  We all hold a supported space for each other. This fosters collective mindfulness that extends beyond the physical practice, creating a powerful commUNITY bond, whether you’re in motion or at rest.

Why learn the Sun Salutations? Sun Salutations are practiced for several reasons in most yoga classes:

  1. A Great Warm-up: Sun Salutations are an excellent way to warm up the body and prepare it for the rest of the yoga practice. The flowing movements and dynamic nature of the sequence help increase blood circulation, warm up the muscles, and loosen the joints.
  2. Energizing body and mind: The Sun Salutations are often practiced in the morning or at the beginning of a yoga class to help awaken and energize the body and mind. The combination of movement, breath, and stretching helps invigorate the entire system and create a sense of vitality.
  3. Physical and Mental Flexibility and Strength: The Sun Salutations involve a variety of poses that work on different areas of the body, including the legs, arms, core, and spine. Regular Sun Salutation practice can improve flexibility, build strength, and increase body awareness.
  4. Meditation in Motion: The flowing nature of the Sun Salutations can create a meditative state of mind. By focusing on the breath and the movement, practitioners can enter a state of moving meditation, where the mind becomes calm and centered.

Sun Salutations are a foundational yoga practice offering numerous physical, mental, and energetic benefits. They provide a balanced and holistic practice that prepares the body and mind for deeper yoga poses and meditation exploration.

Challenge your practice; Saturday 16th March @ 10:30 am.  We will share a vegetarian lunch at the end to celebrate our wins.