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Journey to the Heart of your Hearts ♥️ Yin & Cello

  • Clayfield Yoga Studio
  • Book in to event

What dreams are held deep in the heart of your hearts ?… What is the wisdom distilled in the deeper waters of your unconscious ?….What is the voice of your intuition saying as it guides you and grows you in ways you never imagined fathomable?

Dear friends, you are invited to join us for this truly unique experience to journey deep into the sanctuaries of your inner landscape. This masterclass is a delicious blend of sweet, restorative yin expertly guided by Claudia @artoflifeandlove  and held in the deep resonance of live Cello sweetly played by Laura @rosie.laura concluding in a magical guided heart meditation.

At its essence, the practice of yoga is a process of purifying our bodies and our minds. It calls us to, breath by breath, layer by layer, soften and relax our body-mind complex untangling physical, mental and emotional contractions so that all our vital energies can flow more optimally.

When we can deeply relax and release in this way, we can begin to experience the profound reality of our inner world.

Our healing journey will be lovingly held by the mellow and honeyed tones of live cello! Our body-mind has its own frequency, its own vibration. Being in a sacred space of deep relaxation our own unique frequency is soothed and sedated by the sound of music, facilitating deeper healing and rejuvenation on a cellular and energetic level. So please join us and allow us to guide you in this journey to the heart of your hearts ♥️

Wednesday 14th August @ Clayfield Yoga Studio 2-4 pm