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Restorative Yoga

Date 4th August, 10 am – 12 noon, $35

Restorative Yoga is the yoga of deep, conscious relaxation. It is the Yoga of ‘Being’, rather than the Yoga of ‘Doing’. Using as many props as necessary, this type of practice allows your muscles, ligaments, and organs to relax on a much deeper level and by doing so to restore Prana, energy, life force. As your body finds the shape of the posture and melts into place your nervous system switches to calmness and a deep inner healing mode. This type of practice is extremely important and valuable to all people who live in modern society. It’s complementary to strong Yoga practice and is suitable for all levels and all ages.

The mind-body connection is enhanced through restorative practices, these classes are a wonderful progression from the stronger to a meditation practice.


Other Dates to lock in during 2019: 15 Sept at 10 am