Pose Pro Series 2 March
March 2, 2024 @ 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
| $40Pose Pro Series
In this series, we will explore and break down the eight postures from Surya Namaskar.
These eight yoga poses can be performed independently or linked together in a flowing sequence known as Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations. Each pose is designed to enhance flexibility, strength, and balance. When performed in a continuous flow, these postures constitute a comprehensive body workout, gaining popularity in yoga for its holistic approach to health and fitness.
Each class in this series will dissect the poses, focusing on alignment details and delving into the physical, mental, and emotional benefits associated with each posture.
Join us as we unravel the intricacies of these poses and explore their holistic impact on well-being.
Each Individual Session is 2 hours, from 10:30 am – 12;30 pm. $40:
- 2 March: Standing Strong with the Warrior Poses
- 9 MARCH: Chest Openers and Back Bends – exploring new spaces
- 16 MARCH: Sun Salutation – A Moving Mediation – includes lunch
Active Members can use their existing class passes to secure their spot by selecting the option when booking in otherwise contact Tanya.
Book Here for Next Session: SATURDAY 2 MARCH:
Strong and Stable in Standing Warrior Poses
Saturday 2 March @ 10:30 am
Embark on a transformative journey into the art of standing yoga postures with our experienced guide, Tanya Zappala, in the upcoming session.
For two immersive hours, Tanya will guide you through the intricacies of yoga, focusing on unleashing strength and power within standing postures. The session commences with foundational activation, emphasising leg power to instill a profound sense of grounding. This foundation is key, boosting confidence in maintaining steadfast balance throughout various standing postures. The insights shared in this session aren’t merely confined to individual poses; they seamlessly intertwine, enriching your entire yoga practice.
Beyond the physical aspects, these classes delve into the profound connection between yoga poses (asana) and the flow of prana, your vital life force. Explore the concept of mula bandha (root lock), where engagement of pelvic floor muscles plays a pivotal role in awakening and enlivening yoga postures.
Join Tanya as she illuminates how standing poses serve as a gateway to energetic integration, channeling your prana energy flow into each posture. This practice facilitates a harmonious balance of mind and body.
At the core of this exploration is Tadasana, or Mountain Pose – a foundational stance that we touched on last session. After a quick refresher to establish proper posture, balance, and body alignment to build the strength, stability, and mindfulness. This foundation proves invaluable as your legs move dynamically – forward, back, and wide in the other Warrior Standing Postures.
All are welcome, whether you’re new to yoga or an experienced practitioner. Reserve your spot for this enriching experience with Tanya on Saturday, March 2, at 10:30 am.
Limited spots are available. For our active members, utilise your existing class passes to secure your spot online following the prompts, or reach out to Tanya at 0410 601 773 or tanya@clayfieldyoga.com.au.
Book Here and Join Tanya this Saturday 2 March @ 10:30 am