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Clayfield Yoga Studio has turned 10 and we have you to be thankful for all your support. To show our appreciation we are putting on a fun free day for you to come try classes you love or have not yet tried. To meet teachers and students who you know and others you have yet to meet.
We have a lot to offer you but many hands make like work so if you want to get more involved let us know.
– Love baking or making? Bring a small plate of nibbles to share
– Keen to hang out with us under the outdoor tents, we have mats laid down but if you want to get cosy bring a cushion to sit on
Besides the outdoor chill out area where talks and just general sharing will take place check out the free yoga class schedule. We suggest to secure your spot to book in via the below link. This way if you can’t hang out all day then pop in for a class and a quick hello.
From 11am: Improve your Digestion: Back to basics looking at how the digestive system works and key ways to improve this through diet, nutrition & movement. Smoothies to sample Speaker: Kasia Kondas. Join Kasia in the marque tents out front.  Open to everyone.  No Bookings required. 
Class Schedule Inside the studio: Bookings required, limited space in each class.  
9 – 9.50am: It’s all about your Joints: With 360 joints, 206 bones and over 650+ muscles we have evolved into this amazing creation which longs for mindful movement and deep breathing. Followed by a short talk on simple and practical ways to cultivate more prana/energy into your life.
Teacher: Jonathan Murphy (Co Founder of Clayfield Yoga Studio)
10 – 10.50 am: Deeper look at Ashtanga Yoga: We’ve all heard about Ashtanga but what is Ashtanga all about. Here Kasia will offer a demonstration plus take you through a beginners sequence. Teacher: Kasia Kondas
11 – 11.50 am: Blind Folded Yoga, feeling your yoga practice from the darkside. When you take away your eye sight you open up all your ohter senses to guide you through.. a very slowed down yoga class so we can savour each move, each breath. Teacher Tanya
12 – 1:20 pm: NO BOOKINGS REQUIRED, OPEN TO EVERYONE – Celebrating 10 years of Yoga at Clayfield Yoga Studio, let the party begin…. with everyone, especially YOU!
1:20 – 1:30 pm: AcroYoga Demo wahoo!!
1:40 – 2:30 pm: – Moving Meditation: From movement to stillness; this yoga class is a slow moving yoga flow with an emphasis on bringing mindfulness and self awareness deeper into your physical practice. Teacher: Marian and live music from our very own yoga students Greg and Rose Powel
2:40 – 3:30 pm: Playing with Inversions & Arm Balancing: Let’s look at the basics of going upside down, play a little, and then for those feeling adventurous Nirvana will show you helpful steps to go further. Teacher: Nirvana Pilkington
3:40 – 4:30 pm: Embodying the Heart: We will explore some western & eastern ideas regarding the space of the heart and then take this into our practice with breath work, meditation, asanas and simple partner yoga. Teacher: Fiona Overell
4:40 – 5:30 pm: Yin Yoga: A nice slow deep yoga class to the soothing sounds of James’ live guitar music. This is the perfect class to end the day. Teacher James


troubles booking in? no worries just email me the classes you want to come along to.  tanya@clayfieldyoga.com.au