Add more life to the way you flow

Do you know that there are many ways to practice? In a general to intermediate level class you may move through a series of postures called Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar).  There are some yoga classes that just do a few rounds of Sun Salutes to warm up then move into holding postures longer for deeper releases in both your body as well and calming mind.

You may attend a class that has movement all the way through to keep activating heat in your body. One of the original classes of this style is called Ashtanga. While “flowing” usually requires at least some basic knowledge of the yoga poses, they can still be great for beginners.

This flowing or stringing postures together so that you move from one to another is commonly called a Vinyasa Flow.

Vinyasa = movements linked with breath

Flow = move steadily and continuously from one place to another in a steady continuous stream

Vinyasa Flow = with breath awareness, move from one posture to another in a steady continuous mindful manner.

Here is some helpful advice when starting or diving deeper into a Vinyasa Flow style of class.

Breath is the link, the translator, the communicator.

I know you don’t need me to tell you how essential breathing is to life, this is why Yoga places so much emphasis on the quality of breath to reflect the quality of life on and off your yoga mat. Fusing your awareness to your body so you dive into the moment, to be attentive if you need to adapt.

Being able to move and breath at the same time, in the beginning, has its challenges.  But the more you physically know what you are doing, then its just repetition whilst you simultaneously being in more focus on your breathing.   

Good alignment does matters, no matter how fast or slow you are moving, once you have the right alignment down you easily drop into the practice and it becomes more like a joyful moving meditation rather than just and exercise.

There are always options, yoga is never about you fitting in, but how you can adapt the practice to suit where you are today.  Your postures will change as you become stronger, more supple, more aware, and more in control.

We’ll work together to help you find your flow by slowing things down to get more solid before you speed things up. Know when you should rest, make a modification, or throw in a stronger variation.

But Faster is definitely not better. You learned to crawl before you could walk or started to run. Yoga is the same.  For some of us, we need to learn to slow things down. Knowing how to balance your energy is the new buzz. It’s no longer cool to be so busy or exhausted or to do nothing and expect a lot. Instead, take charge and perfect the art of balancing effort and surrender.  Your body and mind will feel healthy and happy.

Each posture is either medicinal or poison to your body, the yoga practice is a lot like Goldie Locks mantra, not too much, not too little, just right.  A Vinyasa flow has many benefits to your body when practiced right.  Learn how to adapt before you are forced to stop because your body can’t take it anymore or you lose interest.

There is magic in the transitions. Linking every movement with breath creates a blissful presence as you move gracefully through the postures.  A dance of effort and ease brought to life with your breath.

Use props to make life easier whilst your body takes the time and practice it needs to build strength.  Props are not just for beginners, they are used by advanced practitioners because we have learned how they help you go further, deeper, and most of all happier through your practice. Learn how they can be versatile in every practice.

Vinyasa flows can be creative. If you like variety then there is no set sequence you need to follow once you know your options.   In the time we have, we will go through a common flow for ease of learning.  Then you are only limited by your imagination. (join our upcoming event on starting or building a vinyasa flow)

Music adds a special presence which is why on the 14th September you may like to attend a special Sound Bathed Vinyasa flow class where Tom Sache will bring his gongs, crystal and metal bowls, chimes.. you name it, he’s got it. And together the sounds help to capture your attention, and where the mind goes healing energy flows. (read more on Sound Bathed Vinyasa flow)

Many people see yoga as a stretch class, but once you are taught correctly the magic is revealed.

There is a great sense of delight that comes from knowing you are doing it right. You’re inspired to practice more, to be compassionate and to enjoy the journey rather than push yourself to exhaustion or injury.  This is why Yoga is more than just an exercise class.  The lessons learned to carry with you off the mat where we want to have energy and strength to really deal with what life throws at us.

By Tanya Zappala 

Yoga Teacher and Director of Clayfield Yoga Studio