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An invitation for you to take a sacred pause, to come home to your beautiful
body-mind vessel, to quiet the mind and ease the heart, returning to your natural
rhythm within the external expansion of time…this is how we cultivate Peace

Claudia will guide you in this session~ a delicious blend of sweet yin poses
to help you unwind and unravel, releasing tension and residue in the body, find
the expansiveness and down-regulate the nervous system through nourishing
restorative practices, concluding in guided heart-opening meditation. Our
journey through the wonderland of our own Being, lovingly held in the soothing
resonance created by Katie Jane on crystal bowls.

By cultivating Peace in our own hearts, we can then share this peace with our
families and our communities. With each individual attending to their own inner
landscape, we begin to, little by little, create a shift in the collective unconscious
…the great togetherness unto which we are all responsible….this is our journey
through this season…..Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All this Christmas

This slowed down yoga class is suitable for all levels of experience, and perfect for anyone wanting to ease into their Christmas festivities.